Thursday, November 4, 2010

I'm Scared

There, I said it.

I've been talking about it for months and now it's nearly here. I am this close to giving birth. Not literally of course. According to my TO DO list, I will be spending the next nine months, developing, establishing, outlining, and beginning my own business. No MBA program, house purchase, or other general life goal is in my way. I have bought and decorated the house, graduated with a double Masters, shed 15 pounds, started volunteering again, obtained a second [eventually primary] source of income, and basically crossed out every other thing on my list. I am free.

Yet I am scared. In an effort to make myself accountable to the Universe I have told everyone dear to me about my plans. We've had other opportunities fall through...which in my mind is a sign from Madame Universe that I am MEANT to do this. I am MEANT to tear the band-aid, jump without a parachute, swim in my uncertainty, and DO THE DAMN THANG.

I've read enough of other entrepreneurs' experiences to know that I will be my own worst critic. I will second-guess myself to death. I'm there already. Scared, uncertain, timid, trembling, doubtful. (Wait a minute, back up. Did I just call myself an "entrepreneur"? Freaky.)

But I have conceived. You can't see the bump yet. I feel no kicks. I am still sleeping soundly. But there is a small sense of nausea at the back of my thoughts; I expect soon it will be a daily occurance. I shall go into labour on August 1st. Baby name to be announced in the future...

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